Fanfics: desenvolvendo habilidade da escrita em inglês

Todos os anos fazemos em nossa escola um desafio para os nossos alunos desenvolverem seu inglês através da escrita.

E, dessa vez, os alunos das turmas Teens resolveram treinar suas habilidades da escrita em inglês com as fanfics.

Para quem não conhece, fanfics são obras de ficção baseadas em personagens e histórias que já existem. Dessa forma, eles podem desenvolver seu inglês usando a imaginação e a criatividade a partir de uma história que já faz parte do dia a dia deles.

Quer saber o resultado desse desafio?

Então, aqui estão algumas das fanfics desse ano:

…But, something unexpected happened when I was in my room in a crisis, when I turned 16. Someone knocked on the door and I let them in. When I turned around, I saw Malfoy walking into the room. At the time I covered my arm, but not in time for him not to see. He sat next to me, lifted the sleeve of my shirt, and placed a white cloth over it, and then he whispered in my ear: It’s okay, Potter…

The smell of blood and rotting flesh filled my nose as the stench leaked from my skin. The dirt, blood and sweat stained my body like it was the current perfume of the new world. Gore, death, and misery were what came with the art of survival now, everything I once knew was gone. My heart beat heavily in my chest, so hard that it was the only sound I could hear, other than my uneasy gasps for air…

“Well…Today is my first day with my new life! I couldn’t sleep very much, because anxiety was scaring me A LOT! Mamma (The mother of the family, also called Erin) woke me up with cookies and a cup of hot milk, she’s so lovely! In my opinion, she seems to be the model of a mother: sweet, kind and worried about her children. After eating, she told me that my siblings were already at school, and she was going to the gym club (a good explanation for her fluorescent clothes), so I was going to go…”

“… Emma ran downstairs and came across a very pretty breakfast table and a present her father was holding.
-Daughter, we have a surprise for you!:Says the Father
Dad hands over a beautiful box written: Happy Birthday Emma! Emma opens the box and finds a beautiful earphone.
-Oh my god! It was the phone I wanted! Thank you so much!
After a while, Emma went out with her friends to the mall.
-Mom I’m going to the mall!:Says Emma
-Okay daughter, be careful! :Says the mother.
Then Emma went out into the street, the sky was blue and clear, the sun bright, just what she wanted.
-Today is going to be a wonderful day! What could go wrong?…” 

“…Of course, it was a slow start, first introducing their products to other lifeforms and then establishing outposts on various planets. But just like they did it on Earth, their market expanded exponentially, and their future seemed bright. Everyone thought they would also conquer the galaxy, but that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon…”

“…The first records of this anomalous object were in a small town in the interior of the United States where the victims were killed without leaving a trace. After several victims the Foundation was called (SCP Foundation). After 6 hours, they found the object. According to the only employee who left the mission alive, the object looked like a statue of bones after falling into the sewer, with 80% of its body destroyed…”

“…This summer, a classic teen romance took place, but Augustine really fell in love with James and didn’t want it to end. James still had feelings for Betty and ended up coming back to her. Betty felt like an old cardigan under someone’s bed that had been used and then dropped. James eventually ended up going back to Betty and Augustine still loved him. Augustine slipped away at a moment in time, because James had never truly been Augustine’s…”

…Later, Jesse came back and Walter excitedly showed him his new formula and taught him how to make it. After months passed, they dominated the drug market in the whole world. Some would say they got nothing more to achieve and that the sky was the limit.
These people just don’t know they’re literally wrong. As technology advanced, so did space traveling. Using this opportunity, Jesse and Walt had a great idea: to expand their market into outer space! So they did it. After months of funding many space programs, they already had many ways of getting to space. They created spaceships, many of them called X-Wings and A-Wings, due to the debri which they were made from found in space, which contained, written on their metals, their respective models. With this, their plans for business had already begun…