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A: Is 6:00 OK with you? B: Yes, 6:00 is fine. A: Ok, _____.
A: Excuse me, are you checking any luggage? B: Yes, _____.
A: $5,00, please. B: _______.
A: Great to see you! Did ____ ? B: Yes, the weather was wonderful.
My computer isn’t working very well. It’s ____.
The sign on the door says ___.
A: Can I help you? B: Yes, _____.
I keep throwing up today. I think I have _____.
I loved that book. It was so exciting! I ___.
The cafe ____ has the best coffee in town!
A: ____? B: Just looking, thanks.
A:_______ B: Yes? A: Do you have an eraser?
A: Ouch! I lost a filling. B: You better make an ____ with the dentist.
Did you buy a turkey for ____?
A: _____? B: Really? You’re kidding?
A: _____? B: Yes, sir. I’ll get it right away.
A: Did you go to the concert last night? B: No, I stayed home ____?
A: Can I talk to David Burns, please? B: I’m ____ he’s out.
A: How are you today? B: Fine. Thanks ____?
It’s snowing again. Let’s___.
I’m ____. I have a big test today.
I’ve been studying all night. I’m totally ______.
A: Would you like some more dessert? B:_____.
A: ____. There’s a lot of traffic today. B: That’s OK. I understand.
Questão 1 de 24